"Junk Foods" is Trash Talk

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As a Naturopath, someone who works in the field of health & well-being every single day, I have a VERY strong opinion on “junk foods”.

Short answer? ⁠Doesn't exist. Whenever someone mentions "junk" or "bad" foods, please curse that language in your mind, and move the hell on.⁠

Long answer?⁠ "Junk foods" and "bad foods" don't exist in my vocabulary…anymore (see here for My Story). What some people term as “junk foods” are in fact ‘sometimes’ foods. There is a VERY important difference. "Junk foods" has veeeeerrrrrry negative connotations. Junk = rubbish = trash = 💩. Food is not 💩, I promise you.

Unless you are a fly.

Please start getting away from seeing food as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’- such harsh and potentially very damaging language, especially to vulnerable individuals. & children!! To all the parents out there, your kids soak up every single word and action you carry out around food, diet, body image and so on.

Crazy idea I know, but maybe we can just start seeing food as bloody food – some which we want to be eating more than others (because they nourish our cells and help us THRIVE). How about THAT!? Revelation!⁠

Instead of depriving ourselves of certain foods or these so called ‘junk foods’ and following all kinds of rigid, unrealistic diets, I promote and I wholeheartedly believe a nourishing way of eating is simply the regular consumption of a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods. AND THEN YES!! OF COURSE there are times where what we eat isn’t necessarily nutrient-dense, but it is damn delicious and bloody important to consume as part of a balanced diet. They nourish our soul.

All in moderation team 🥔🥖🍕🥙🍦🍯🍪🍫🥮🍜🥔🍆🍇🍍🥕🥧🍺🍾🍵🍩🥫🍳🥘

My mission is to help my patients have a positive outlook on food, exercise and their glorious bodies – and I think being a practitioner that promotes a non-diet way of eating & BALANCE of all things really helps with that.

Want to work with me? Reach out when you are ready.

Nutmeg xx