Nutmeg will be on Maternity Leave from 28th October 2024, yet please still do get in touch via the contact page.

50 Ways to Unwind

I have spoken in depth about stress before and the array of undesirable effects it can have on our mental and physical health. The topic and discussion around stress/anxiety is basically on repeat in my office and rightly so! The majority of patients I see have some kind of stress contributing to their health concerns and thus helping to reduce this, is a key part of their treatment plan.

Stress can basically weave its way in to any of our bodily systems and run a muck. It can not only have a great impact on our mental health but our skin health, gut health, energy levels, sleep patterns, cardiovascular health, hormonal health, thyroid health, digestive health, immune health, weight management and the list goes on. Therefore, it is SO important to acknowledge the role that stress may playing in your physical and mental well-being. Once we acknowledge our stress response as being a HUGE contributor to our health & well-being, the next step is taking action to help shift our bodies from this stress response to relaxation mode.

This blog is dedicated to giving you 50 easy and accessible ways to help reduce your stress response and calm your mind and body. I always encourage my patients to take at least 1-2 points that resonate with you and start implementing them on a daily basis. Furthermore, I encourage you to dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to incorporating some relaxation/’me’ time - actually schedule it in to your day, prioritise it and make it happen.

Nutmeg’s 50 ways to unwind;

  1. Get out in nature - jump in the ocean, do some gardening, go for a walk, lie in a park…anything that gets you amongst nature’s goodness.

  2. Run yourself an Epsom Salts bath/foot bath - soak up that calming Magnesium through your skin!

  3. Switch that caffeinated drink for a calming herbal tea e.g. chamomile, peppermint, turmeric.

  4. Get a good night’t sleep.

  5. Put on your favourite song and bust a move in the living room.

  6. Call a loved one (who has a positive influence on you).

  7. Deep belly breathing - explained here.

  8. Move your body - whatever works for you! Walk, go for a run, do a gym class/online class, yoga, pilates, dance, skip, boxing etc.

  9. Mandala colouring in.

  10. Cook or bake! You know that epic recipe you have been wanting to make? It is time.

  11. Get out in the sunshine.

  12. Write a letter - go old school and write a loved one a letter and send it to them in the mail! They will love receiving it and you will love writing it.

  13. Incorporate screen-free time - A great time to do this is 1-2 hrs before bed to help you wind down.

  14. De-clutter your space - do a big clean out of your clothes and donate to vinnies, pull apart those packed cupboards/kitchen pantry that require some serious TLC.

  15. Diffuse some lavender or rose essential oil.

  16. Write a list of things you want to get done for the week - setting some goals and structure for the week is a great way to help you de-stress. Get all those plans and thoughts out of your head and onto paper.

  17. Drink between 2 and 3 litres of water/day.

  18. Treat yourself - book yourself in for that massage, facial, spa, manicure etc.

  19. Book in with a counsellor/psychologist if needed - perhaps you need to make that appointment that you have been talking about for awhile?

  20. Pick 3 things that make you happy/bring you life and joy - schedule them in to your week!

  21. Embrace a new hobby - you know that thing that you have been saying you want to start doing but you never do it? Research it and action!

  22. Watch one of your favourite movies/series.

  23. Read your favourite book again.

  24. Plan a day trip.

  25. Go for a bushwalk.

  26. Do something kind for someone else - friend or stranger. Or both!

  27. Get some of your favourite photos printed and display them in your house - if you are like me, your closest people keep you sane.

  28. Make your own hummus.

  29. Brew yourself a cup of herbal tea and delve back in to some old photos - guaranteed they will put a nostalgic smile on your face.

  30. Plan a weekend away with your special person/people.

  31. Have a chat/Skype/phone call with a little person in your life - their conversations are never dull and always good for the soul.

  32. Pull out a marathon puzzle and get it started on the coffee table.

  33. Get up super early, rug up and watch the sunrise.

  34. Listen to one of your favourite old school albums.

  35. Get on the foam roller and ease those tight muscles.

  36. Do a sudoku/crossword.

  37. Do an in-class/online yoga or meditation session.

  38. Have a no artificial light day and light your favourite candles.

  39. Reduce your refined sugar consumption.

  40. Nourish your cells - eat more vegetables.

  41. Enjoy that piece or two of dark chocolate.

  42. Develop a couple of positive morning rituals.

  43. Get in touch with an old, dear friend.

  44. Switch all your devices to ‘blue light filter’ mode.

  45. Get crafting - sew, knit, cross-stitch, make a bunch of birthday cards, paint, draw, weave.

  46. Print off/write up your favourite quote and display it in your home.

  47. Buy a bunch of flowers for someone or yourself.

  48. Pull out your cookbooks and pick a new recipe or two for the week.

  49. Make a playlist of all your favourite songs.

  50. Get a plant baby.
